The Mishumu Saba ritual (Ritual of the 7 candles)
This is the heart our celebration. Seven youth will read a principle & light the corresponding candle. As the youth lights the candle, we will recite the vow accompanying that principle. For current information on Kwanzaa see: . The vow was written by Seko VArner for The Imani Foundation for The Imani Foundation in 1999. The year referenced in the ritual will change every year and will reflect the year following the celebration. (i.e. during December 2008 we will say "In the year 2009").
The Ritual:
Umoja (Unity), To strive for & maintain unity in the family, community, nation & race.
In the year 2010 we will increase our diligence as we strive to maintain unity in the family, community, nation & race.
Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves & speak for ourselves; without having to be named, defined, created for, or spoken for by others.
In the year 2010 we will increase our confidence as we further define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves & speak for ourselves. We will lead by example to ensure that our children stand& up for what is right & important in our struggle.
Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility), To build & maintain our community together & make our brother's & sister's problems our problems & to solve them together.
In the year 2010 we will increase our awareness & responsibility as we create solutions for our problems. We will ensure that our involvement in these solutions will not add any undue burdens upon our families or place us into further problems.
Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) To build & maintain our own stores, shops & other businesses & to profit from them together.
In the year 2010 we will improve our economic situation by "considering first" & patronizing our business which provide excellent work & customer service. We will help our businesses that currently offer poor work & customer service by informing them of their missed opportunities in an manner which promotes growth & development.
Nia (Purpose) To make our collective vocation the building & developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.
In the year 2010 we will constantly teach ourselves, & our children about the traditional greatness of Afrikan people, inform our children of their duty to improve their communities, & support each other as we search for & develop our ordained purpose in life.
Kuumba (Creativity) To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful & beneficial than we inherited it.
In the year 2010 we will constantly create solutions, methods, support systems, & time in our lives to be creative, so that we may leave ourselves, our families & our community more beautiful & beneficial than we inherited them.
Imani (Faith) To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders & the righteousness & victory of our struggle.
In the year 2010 we will consistently honor our creator, & our ancestors by working faithfully so that we can create a world where our people can have faith in themselves so that we may truly have faith in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders & the righteousness & victory of our struggle.