There are some who disagree with the celebration of Kwanzaa, for many reasons. Here are their arguements: (Click the text below to read the articles).

1. The Kwanzaa Hoax - William Bennetta

2. The Truth about Kwanzaa - Tony Snow

3. 10 Things to know about Kwanzaa - Betty Abisch

4.  The Truth about Kwanzaa - Carlotta Morrow (Has numerous articles)


There are others who insist that the Winter holiday season is truly just the Christmas season and all other celebrations are done to devalue the birth of the Christian savior. We simply cannot accept their arguement  while we wish all who observe Christmas to do so fully. We do believe that an endearing relationship with the Almighty is the most central relationship one may have. Our organization will not involve itself with any celebration that was designed to or acts to devalue one's relationship with GOD. Our organization was founded in the name Uhuru by a group of Christians who embraced and celebrated their Afrikan connections after they celebrated their relationship with GOD. As the Imani Foundation evolved, some of our founding members were Christian who also celebrated their Ancestral ties to Africa. While we cannot soap-box for all, The Imani Foundation does not devalue any religious practice as an organization. We have presented the above articles of "Haterade" as we find thier positions to be well presented, well researched,  and interesting positions that do not  jibe with our experiences and values.