Our Black Improvement Blog is created by members to provide information that will improve the lives of people of African descent.


Our Black Improvement Media site hosts multimedia presentations that support our mission of improving the lives of people of African descent.      


Click here for motivational Black Improvement Movement videos !

Click here for Christian-friendly Black Improvement videos !

Click here for economic based Black Improvement videos !



The "Black Improvement Movement" is a concept developed by Seko VArner, the President of The Imani Foundation, during the Kwanzaa 2007 season. During this season Seko fasted as normal and prayed for something to help his people. The idea came to him as he considered the Movement to end enslavement in America,  the Abolisinist movement, the Women's sufferage movement, Nat Turner's movement, The Back To Africa movement, and the Civil Rights Movement. While considering why groups such as the NAACP maintain relevance Seko realized that none of the afore mentioned movement focused solely on Improvement. His love for the accomplishments of The Honorable Elijah Muhhamad, Marcus Garvey, and watching his parents develop or renew five churches provided the conceptual framework of "doing for self and others". The idea of a movement focused soley on improving our selves, children, and the communities became very attractive and reoccuring. Plans to initially begin a website focused upon the concept guided the development of the current Black Improvement blogsites which host vidoes and writings that focus on aspects of Black Improvement. Plans to develop a series of lectures, outdoor events, and observances are currently in the works to further the concept of Black Improvement. We must do everything that we can, in the way that we can, to improve the enviroments that our people reside, and the people who reside in our enviroments.

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