From 1995 to 2011 The Imani Foundation operated as a not-for-profit organization which promoted the Uplift of People of Afrikan descent (I.e. Afrikan-Americans, Caribbeans, Bahamians & West Indians, Latinos, Haitians, Afro-Brazilians, Afrikan-Europeans, Afrikan-Indians, etc.). The Imani Foundation's pursuits are family and community oriented activities. The Imani Foundation was not a religious organization. The Imani Foundation did not discriminate on the basis of religious, gender, racial, cultural, orientation, familial status, or nationality. We are people using traditional Afrikan culture to improve the world. To our Creator, be true. To thy self, be true. To thy people, be true.  We are currently, as of 10/9/2011 a e-group and FACEBOOK group that distrubutes information of interest to people of African descent who are intrested in the concept of Black Improvement.



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